rainbow baby day is celebrated today

i am a rainbow baby parent and each year for 37 years, i have celebrated rainbow baby day rainbow baby day is august 22 each year. i like to celebrate it each year to remember my baby loss and then celebrate my baby girl born the next year. rainbow baby day is a celebration of …

suggestions for a successful 4th trimester

erin nuckols shares her suggestions for a successful postpartum period. she is a new mama, an excellent communicator, and also part of the roanoke doula collective. her strategy for navigating the 4th trimester was fresh on her mind because she recently had her first baby. in her free time, erin enjoys visiting with loved ones, …

experienced doula shares her postpartum planning list

an experienced doula shares her resource list for birthing families. meet experienced doula, anna whetsel rucker, with the roanoke doula collective. she is a natural teacher with a lifelong love of learning. i can hear her passion when she shares her knowledge of childbirth with her birthing families and, her skill set is great! anna …

postpartum plan from a new mama doula

what kind of postpartum support does a pregnant doula desire? i am a postpartum doula asking other doulas what kind of help they had after giving birth. recently, i asked  each doula in the roanoke doula collective about their births and what the 4th trimester care looked like. it was a great way for me …

my safe place looks like…. when anxiety strikes

when feeling anxious or troubled, here’s what my safe place looks like. i want to share my safe place and list of things i do to find my peace and i also want to offer resources to help you work through your feelings. may is mental health awareness month. i am thinking about all the …

a doula prepares her postpartum care after birth

what is she including in her postpartum care plan? i am asking my doula friend, veronika, how she is preparing for the upcoming arrival of her baby. what is she including in her postpartum plan of care? grammie doula: i would love to hear about your postpartum plans after this baby arrives.  being a doula …

the cottage kitchen is a dream come true

delivering fresh or frozen meals right to your door in blacksburg,va. how did the dream for the cottage kitchen become a reality? the dream for the cottage kitchen included a host of factors that got me started taking baby steps to make the dream a reality. one factor in the dream for the cottage kitchen …

why i became a postpartum doula

because baby holding is my favorite thing to do and new moms need help from a postpartum doula in the 4th trimester. postpartum doula care is about holding space for new moms and babies during the mom’s recovery after birth. i have been researching and i am learning that in our middle tennessee area surrounding nashville, …

postpartum meal ideas

goal: to ease the mind with meal options during the postpartum period. meal preparation during postpartum recovery can lessen anxiety and best of all, it’s one less decision to make each day. the time frame for postpartum recovery is different for each one but it starts with the birth of the baby and goes from …